
News Archive

Octopus Box LG Software v.1.7.0 is out! Added world's first support for LG D170, D175F, D180F, D285, D285F, D285G, D320AR, D325, D325F, D325F8, D325G8, D375, D375AR, D380, D385, D415RDGO and more!
Octoplus/Octopus Box Samsung Software v.1.6.8 is out! We have added world's first Unlock for Samsung Galaxy Alpha series (SM-G850A, SM-G850F, SM-G850M, SM-G850T) and additional features for a wide range of supported devices!
Octopus Box LG Software v.1.6.9 is out! Added world's first support for LG D620J and support for D957, D959BK, C398!
Octoplus/Octopus Box Samsung Software v.1.6.7 is out! We have added support for Samsung SHV-E270K, GT-I9150, GT-S7272C, SM-T312 and much more!
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