Effective Solution from Effective Team: Octopus Box Celebrates 50th Update in a Record Time

14, October, 2010
Octopus Box Team and those users, who have already experienced all advantages of this professional device for servicing LG cell phones, celebrate the Octopus Box 50th update!! Working hard to create the best solution for LG on the market we have managed to issue FIFTY updates in just TEN months! Most updates provided first in the world support for certain LG models.
In celebration of this occasion GsmServer Team is launching a SPECIAL PROMOTIONAL offer for Octopus box. For a limited period of time only GsmServer retail customers can purchase Octopus Box with a 10% discount. At the same time bulk customers will receive 1 Octopus Box for free when buying 10 boxes.
Also, GsmServer encourages everybody to try Octopus Box in action with LG BL20, BL40, GW620 phones absolutely free of charge. This unique free software fully emulates Octopus Box functionality. No box or dongle is required. You just download the free unlocker, install it onto your PC and enjoy it!
About Octopus Box:
Octopus Box is a professional device for LG cell phone service. It can be used to unlock, flash and recover LG phones, resolve freeze problems and restore IMEI, NVM, camera and network. Among main Octopus Box features are: complete A2 platform support, advanced language pack editor, wide flash support, complete Softbank support, free real-time online updates, richest and constantly updatable flash files database at Boot-Loader V2.0.
About GsmServer:
GsmServer is an international online one-stop-shop where customers can conveniently purchase quality goods for servicing and repair of mobile phones: boxes, dongles, credits, activations, cables, adapters, cell phone parts, and repair equipment. GsmServer guarantees high quality of products, efficient services, friendly user support and safe shopping environment for every customer.